Thursday, September 10, 2009

Summers end...

... But a great time for gaming

Time again, but don’t worry, this one won’t be as long as my previous one. But then again maybe it will, depends on what’s on the agenda for this post. I know have the new Batman game, Arkham Asylum. So you can look forward to my review on that in the next week or so, as well as some photographs of the opening of the collectors edition (with the model Baterang). I will also be reading Dan Browns next book ‘The Lost Symbol’ which sees the return of the brilliant character Robert Langdon, I’m very much looking forward to that. I will also be re-reading the Negima manga by Ken Akamatsu, I haven’t yet caught up on it, and so I’m going to refresh my memory on the story and then continue to purchase them.

I’ve been listening to the Iron Man music recently (and you thought my co-writer had bad taste?), I just love the song that used on the first part of the closing credits. If you’re curious it’s probably on youtube, and definitely on iTunes. If you’re really interested I love the one called Gulmira, it has a more heavy metal quality (it’s just music, no singing).

I have recently cleaned out the insides of my computer, using a can of compressed air and very soft brushed to help me. The amount of dust has amazing, even more amazing was how much quieter and cooler my room has been since, so I’ll be doing that more often.

Well next week I will be away on holiday, just down to the South of the country, then after I get back I will be starting my second year of university shortly after. It looks to be a fun and challenging semester, although the joy of having an iPhone will soon be mine. I’ve been trying to contact my co-writer, but to no avail, so hopefully he will read this. I must remember to take my antibiotics with me on holiday, pesky infection, but seems to be getting much better now. Anyway, I won’t bore you with that. I’ve also been playing Star Wars Force Unleashed again recently, mainly down to the release of trophies for the PS3; I still have yet to purchase the latest downloadable content for it.

Have you seen the latest trailers for the next GTA 4 content (Xbox 360)? It’s looking really good, I’m most looking forward to playing it, I thought the first was pretty good, so hopefully this one will follow suit.

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