Sunday, March 21, 2010

The cost of gaming

Once again it’s been far too long since I was last here, just like my good friend I wish I could tell you I’ve been off doing something magical, or saving the world, but sadly it’s something far different from that (perhaps even better?). Lots of my time recently has been spent in the amazing story of Heavy Rain, and the gorgeous world of Final Fantasy XIII, before I go on I’m just going to say how much I love both of these games, Heavy Rain is just brilliant beyond belief and so enjoyable because of its new, unique style. Final Fantasy XIII is amazing, (I haven’t finished it yet), despite its linear nature (of which I agree with my co-writer that Final Fantasy games have always been somewhat linear in nature to begin with), its storyline is nothing short of brilliant, but what do expect from a Final Fantasy title, although I know a few people that would disagree, but that makes me wonder if they have been skipping cut scenes, or perhaps aren’t paying attention to them.

HD is too hard?

As many of you know, a large portion of the games linear aspect has been blamed on the difficulty to produce cities in HD. Now, many people have pointed out that there are a lot of companies out there that can produce HD cities without any problems, however I haven’t noticed that many people reference something that I have noticed so easily. Now I’m not saying that this is the reason, it’s just my opinion, Final Fantasy games have often used 2D artwork to create areas of vast detail, two good examples of this would be Final Fantasy 8, and Final Fantasy 10. So when it comes to HD, the cities would need to be modelled, like any other element of the game, so when you consider that vast amounts of previous games details came from 2D artwork and that this is the first HD Final Fantasy game, it’s no wonder that creating these cities in HD was a problem for a team that are so used to creating them with images. I think that gets my point across, simply put it’s a challenge for a team that have spent many years making detail with 2D art work to jump into creating highly detailed cities without the use of 2D art work.

End of the tunnel?

Ok, so that’s my little rant over with, as for the what else I’ve been doing with my time is sadly just University work, lots to do, and a considerably small time to do it in. Although after a small worry this weekend, and a burst of working, I believe I am pretty much on top and on schedule of it all. Yesterday I started looking into the world of Linux, and Ubuntu, I must admit it looks rather nice, and it’s something I’ll be installing as a dual boot once I’ve finished this semester, although I may install it on my laptop tonight. I have many things on my to do list, including completing my unfinished trophies and achievements, creating a theme for my new Tumblr account, purchasing a good quality HD camcorder and getting things ready for our visit to this years’ Amecon in Keele.

Lightning... Vanille...

Just to round off this short update, I think that Lightnings character is awesome (yes I know she’s hot), but she’s also brilliant, seeming to be comprised of the best elements of previous kick-ass characters. Also I must disagree with my co-writers comments on Vanille, yes admittedly I was thrown byt he accent, the varying degrees and Australian, English and American did cause some confusion, but the more I play the game, and further I get, I just seem to like the character even (and the English voice actress) even more.

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