Thursday, January 14, 2010

Its Been Quite Awhile

So, it’s been quite awhile, and in fact it’s a new year, many things have happened, although they're nothing that big. First up, Christmas 09, went very well, had some lovely things, including the White Edition of Assassins Creed 2, it comes with a figure of Ezio, the main character. Assassins Creed 2 is truly a brilliant game, it builds upon, and improves from the original Assassins Creed, showing more of the rather interesting storyline and ending in a similar manner to the original, making it very obvious that there will be a third instalment to the series.

I would imagine that many of you, like myself, watched the rather heart wrenching two parter of Doctor Who, the first at Christmas and the second at the New Year. I am rather sad to see David Tennant leave; he was definitely one of the best Doctors to have graced the show. I won’t give away any parts of it, just encase some of you haven’t seen it yet (why not!?), but I was quite surprised by who it turned out to be... ‘He will knock four times’. But I always knew they were bringing back the Master.

I will be starting my last semester of my second year soon, it should be quite interesting, including making our own game, more of which I will be writing about on the next post. This will probably be a very busy semester, although the work isn’t too big, it will prove to be quite challenging.

Well that’s all for this week, I know it wasn’t long but this year should prove to be a rather good year for Blank Mind!

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