It always seems that I'm writing how time has again flown by like a bitch. Maybe its just me but I swearer there is some explanation for this, time contraction maybe? With uni ending and exams finishing I am left ahead of me many months of vacation, woo! Celebrations indeed. And what better way to begin the celebration than a new computer? Yup, in part its the reason for why this post has taken ages to be published, as you know I'm a very easily distracted guy. Of course with all this power I had to give it the worthy name of GW (You don't have to point out I'm sad). But it must be coincidence or something, I know for certain it was great news to hear in the same week that a new Metal Gear Solid is under the works.
Metal Gear Solid 5!?
For the past few weeks now, Konami has been releasing tip bits of information about this coming game on the following page, Next. It was only a few days ago however that it was for certain that this project was indeed a new Metal Gear. At the moment many are equally awaiting for the current countdown timer to end this coming Sunday and to receive the next batch of info, but many more are holding much excitement for the planned announcement at E3 2009 (June 1st-4th). However it seems this tease advertisement campaign was somewhat foiled by Japanese magazine Famitsu. This months issue of the video game magazine featured an interview with the legendary creator of MGS, Hiro Kojima. Yet to the dismay of Japanese readers the published issue had some sectioned blanked out of the interview. Yet it would be an understatement to say that the images of what seems to be Raiden and Big Boss have not inspired excitement that MGS5 might be on the horizon. Its only left to speculation where this next installment will take the series, but I know that Major Sheppard and Myself have some ideas, as so far we have been right in foreseeing that Raiden will appear again. I cant believe it was almost a year from today that MGS4 was just coming out
The Next One is a Joint One
And so don't be surprised to see the next post on Blankmind to be a discussion on this. But please don't ask when this will be made, with me and my new computer and Major Sheppard's new graphics tablet, it could be when the next ice age begins. Talking about ice ages, I think our second episode for the podcast maybe actually our first. I wounder whatever happened to the first? (Cough)
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