Well its been about a month or so since my last post, I thought it be good to show at the least that I'm alive and well. While nothing in particular has been going on here, I've noticed that time is certainly passing too quickly and in turn I've been kinda sentimental. Just to think that it will be a year in March since this blog first started, almost several months since I finished school, exactly seven since my surgery and only four since moving to University. While looking back I've played some old songs on my iTunes some of which I cant believed I even listened too! More importantly I cant believe how one of my Japanese lectures looks like Mami Kawada, laughed at that one for a while. (All I need to do now is buy her a fan to get the wind effect and we're all set... ah sorry). Anyway, but seriously, as sad as it sounds, I don't think my tastes have changed at all since 2007 (please don't judge me). Furthermore, having done a review of my bookmarks, I've stumbled upon some good old laughs, like my random favorite flash. And again I cant say my humor has changed much either. I'm still watching Naruto for since two year (oh good god it cant be that long!), meanwhile moving from Innocent Venus to Gundam00 and Code Geass. Having played Metal Gear Solid Online since I got my PS3... hmm...
More of me: Oh what Joy.
Yes... Lets swiftly move on before I bore you all with boredom (God I hate irony sometimes). To much amazement I've been studying Japanese for sometime now and I'm getting the hang of it, still loads more to learn of course, but that goes without saying. However I do have a point (believe it or not) as I'm considering writing a few things every now and then in Japanese. Obscure indeed considering that few people to none read this blog in English! But it all helps... I guess? So yeah.
Anime News:
Some news now, Naruto related of course. I'm sure some of us viewers are now aware that despite the end of dattebayo's subbing, HorribleSubs are now supplying us, well to the extent of ripping from Crunchyroll, or so I heard. I do wounder how long that will last though? So with that jinx, I think thats all for now. I will be back very soon with the last and third of the special posts, I promise, I was lazy once but I'm a changed man now. By the way, MajorSheppard isn't dead either, just has a lot of "work" apparently.
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