As I’m soon to be on holiday, and will most likely be deprived of an internet connection for a week, I’ve decided to do my blog now. Tomorrow (being Thursday) I will be getting my exam results, and seeing whether its off to uni, or one more year of 6 form, to be honest I don’t mind either, I have plans either way it goes so all is well.
Just brought a new memory stick for my camera, also to be used in my PSP while I’m away, cost me over £30 for it, mainly so I can get it in time before I go away, after discovering I can put some of my old Playstation games on it. But oh well, money well spent considering a Sony one costs about double for the same thing. Don’t worry, I wont go into a rant about pricings, and how people in the UK have spend a lot more money for things than the rest of the world, I’ll save that for another time.
Having read my friends post about his… odd food habits I can’t say I’ve tried his diet just yet, mainly because I haven’t heard of them before. But no doubt he will tell me when I see him, know then, as the title suggest I’m going to be babbling on about star trek in this one, more specifically enterprise (the most recent series, no longer making them though). I was watching an episode the other day and of course my eyes were drawn to one Vulcan crew member in particular, played by the lovely Jolene Blalock. So I decided to look up what other things she’s been in, or done, and I’m very glade I did, you’ll see why in the picture of the week at the end of the post.
Well that’s all for now, but I’ll have a new post tomorrow updating you all on my exam results (getting them tomorrow morning), then we’ll see what the next year will entail.
Small Update - I have my results, and I have been accepted into uni =], should be fun.
Picture of the week
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