Well its certainly been awhile since either of us have posted a proper post, so this one should hopefully make up for it. Firstly id like to start with information on the show, sadly my co writer is no longer in England so recording the show will be quite difficult. However we are looking into recording it over the internet in order to get it started, we’ll keep you all updated on its progress.
Last week saw the five part episode of Torchwood – The Children of Earth, a brilliant and gripping episode, bizarre aliens, government secrets and Cardiff, what else do you need? However! I do very much disagree with one major part of the storyline; I don’t believe that Jacks character would sacrifice his own grandson just like that, and then run away from it. I don’t think it really fit in with the development of his character, but I do hope he’ll be back.
I know i know, it says BBC America (it’s all I could be bothered to find at gone midnight).
As you have all been made aware my friend is off to the wonderful land of Japan shortly after Christmas, well he was, until his untimely demise at my hands.... Ok so maybe that part didn’t actually happen, but I’m sure you all understand.
Now then, i have recently been once again working on my friends website, which should be fully online sometime this week (www.hybridnature.com - ok its not ready yet, but its very close). The website is for her graphic design and t-shirt business, of which I have a number of t-shirts from myself, they’re very cool designs.
“Sharks, jelly fish, swimming knives, there all in there.”
I do enjoy watching Dylan Moran (you probably know him most from Black Books alongside Bill Bailey and Tamsin Greig), he’s a great comedian, Watch him! Google that shit on youtube! If anyone here listens to the Lazlow Show you’ll get that one.Oh! I recently purchased a GTA 4 poster, but not just any poster, a pre-release poster, the kind used in shops for advertising. It’s the small things as they say.
Shock horror!
A beard! You’ll be eating snakes and tree frogs next, although I could make a comment about a particular flash compilation that follows the theme but I had best not. I would grow one myself but we are already too much alike personality wise, we can at least try to avoid being physically the same. You know your ring tone is going to have to be snake eater rite?
Onto more pressing matters, the show! What show you ask? *stares at Akamaru*. It will be coming, one day; we have many things we will discuss, (around October time I’ll giving you my review of the newest iPhone, the 3G S), as well as numerous embarrassing stories of our semesters. Did I mention I passed my first year? I don’t remember if there was a previous post about that. Well any way, yes I did indeed pas my first year, with all my points! Which I am extremely proud of. My good friend also has good news from his first year of university, but I will leave that to him to share with you.
The Health Kick
Well recently I was on quite the health kick, sadly as usual it really didn’t last long, but the good news is... I’m starting again! *cough* On the Brightside I’m at least eating healthy now, it’s just the whole exercise thing that’s not really getting off the ground. Why on earth does Word want to spell the word Brightside with a capital B!?
Well the new semester isn’t far off now, just a few more months, money and an iPhone, of course that’s all depending on the whole swine flu problem, and whether or not the government will be temporarily closing schools for a period after the summer holidays. Also depends on if that will apply to universities or just the lower schools. Ah yes yes, and a positive note, a lovely lovely friend of mine will be joining my university in September, I’m looking forward to seeing her around university.
I can happily report that i have finally killed the two buggers that have turned my foot into a pin cushion! (A slight overstatement?). But I’m sure since my good friend and co-writer is now back in the wonderful land of Luxemburg we’ll be hearing many more stories of his late night adventures in the sweltering heat and the inevitable onslaught of mosquitoes he will endure. I guess that all adds to him feeling more like Snake with his new found beard. Ah yeas more news, next month I will finally be getting my hands on Batman: Arkham Asylum (the collectors’ edition) for my PS3, so you can be expecting a review of that towards the end of next month. I might also finally be getting hands-on with GTA China Town Wars, so I’ll keep you all updated on that.
Ok a number of things I need to mention whilst i remember, otherwise ill go off and do something else and forget to add them. First the European version of the ‘Hogin’ All the Covers’ album os finally here (search for it on Amazon), it’s by a band of celebrities who perform to raise money for different charities. The band members are very well known, including our very own Hugh Laurie! And Greg Grunberg (from Heroes), James Denton (from Desperate Housewives), Jesse Spencer (from House), Bob Guiney (from a number of different American shows, sadly we don’t get them over here), Teri Hatcher (from Desperate Housewives) and Adrian Pasdar (from Heroes). They’re an awesome band, the covers they do really stand out and they’re just a joy to listen too. Yes I am buying the CD/DVD, just as soon as I have more money.