I know! I'm shocked too that I'm writing another post so soon, but with all things considered its no wounder as I've once again returned back to my home in Luxembourg (Did I ever post where I once lived? God I'm informative). Its like the frikkin middle age over here! Many castles, villages and little shops. So you can image my frustration when I went on my pilgrimage to the capital the other day to get a charger for my phone, only to find that in fact their are no electrical shops in the capital city (I mean why would I ever think there would be any in the first place? Who knows?). Though things are not that bad here; I brought a new ipod before I came here and I've been using it ever since, messing around with the many apps that iTunes supplies. So as you may have guessed by my lovely segway, we love segways here, not the vechile thing...wait, have I spelt that right? Anyway, here's what I'm gonna talk about:
Conquering the World via my iPod:
So having been torn away from RE5 for three weeks, I've been looking for a substitute on my ipod and of all the apps I have there is no other that I spend so much playing on other than Lux DLX, a fun and comprehensive game of Risk. Not only can you relive my great daydream of conquering the world, you also get to download extra maps and scenarios for free. I further recommend taking a look at Artificial Life. Though lacking in interactivity, its very hypnotising watching the evolution of organisms in conditions you set.
The Final Project:
The few of you who do come on here and read this blog, well for starters its amazing that your reading this or have read this far of the post, but more importantly you may have noticed a new link on the right panel The Final Project. I'll talk about it more at a later date, but for now go check it out, its updated every so often.