Well as you know from my last, short blog entry that I have made it into university, starting next week I’ll be at my welcome week, collecting my student ID, and paper work and so on. I’m looking forward to it, but im nervous about it as well, I’ve already been practicing and making lots of 3D work; I’ll add some links to them when I get upload them to my deviantart page. Currently im working on a PSP, which is going very well, im quite proud of it, the end goal is to create my current room, so im making most of the things you would find lying about my desk. As you can probably tell this is the first time the two of us have written a joint blog entry, so bare with us lol. As we are both going to be at universities these blog entries should become even more interesting than the already are, and I know your all (myself included) looking forward to hearing how my friends new ‘room mates’ will react to his taste in music lol. I’ll be posting a new blog next Monday to update you all on how the first day of the welcome week has gone, and which modules I have chosen to study. Also ill be getting a new camera soon so I’ll post a few pictures of what the campus is like.
Well as I’m writing this part I’m attempting to gain the ‘Big Boss’ emblem on Metal Gear Solid 4, its not as difficult as I thought, so far any way, but its only the first chapter. I’ll keep you all updated as it goes on.
Last week both of us went to the Urbis in Manchester look at the ‘How Manga took over the world’ exhibition, as well as a couple of others we didn’t know were on there too.(Akamaru with drawings) Yes, there are pictures, well a few any way, there probably scattered through out this paragraph, fun fun.(Final Fantasy girls) . On the subject of manga iv recently started reading the books called ‘Death Note’, excellent read, I’m currently on the fifth book so im going to have to go and purchase the rest of them when I can.(Major Sheppard and art work) .