So I'm in my bed in the middle of the night, enduring the amazon that my room has become because of the heat induced by global warming, when it hit me; how awesome is Final Fantasy versus XIII going to be? And so here I am, waging war with the insects that infest my room with my war anthem, while at the same time discussing FFXIII. I'm not exaggerating there, believe it or not I am a man who is multitasking. Though really, my personal opinion, a bias one in other words, truly believes we might have something special. Now, I am not one who says this with every FF game. I was in fact the one who was pessimistic about Final Fantasy XII, and I still stick with my disappointment. The lack of plot twists, which defined the memorable moments of Final Fantasys VII to X, were missing from FFXII and hence the magic of the series for me, but with XIII I receive a new warm feeling, like the excitement or anticipation of going to Disneyland. Yes that's right, or as I'm failing to imply, the makers of the Disney / Square Enix game Kingdom Hearts are working on versus, along with makers of Final Fantasy Advent Children. This is what excites me. The fact that a Kingdom Hearts gameplay will be combined with a Final Fantasy VII element backdrop. Versus as you may already know is intended to be an action rpg and if the gameplay is anything like in trailer linked above, I think we have a winner. If the draw dropping graphics are not enough, then Im sure the storyline of a prince, who from what I can tell has been "shunned" from his position, will be mouth watering enough. Ok, I'll admit it, the main reason Im liking the game so far is because the guy looks frickin awesome! I want his clouths and hair, heck, I want to be him (too far?). Hopefully another character to join the ring of moody characters: Cloud, Squall and Auron. This is what was really missing from FFXII!
Crap from the Internet:
Ok, so I skipped this last time, don't lie, I know you all missed it. So as sad as that opening sentence was, I have something even more worse, no its not another music video. Today among things I'm highlighting, Meg64, already introduced above. If you think the FFXII was embarrassing check these out:
The Sands of Frustration (Bwahahah)
Metal Gear Solid
Assassins Creed
Ico (really bad, lol)
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