Thursday, July 31, 2008
Warmth and The Heat That Might Be due to Global Warming
So I'm in my bed in the middle of the night, enduring the amazon that my room has become because of the heat induced by global warming, when it hit me; how awesome is Final Fantasy versus XIII going to be? And so here I am, waging war with the insects that infest my room with my war anthem, while at the same time discussing FFXIII. I'm not exaggerating there, believe it or not I am a man who is multitasking. Though really, my personal opinion, a bias one in other words, truly believes we might have something special. Now, I am not one who says this with every FF game. I was in fact the one who was pessimistic about Final Fantasy XII, and I still stick with my disappointment. The lack of plot twists, which defined the memorable moments of Final Fantasys VII to X, were missing from FFXII and hence the magic of the series for me, but with XIII I receive a new warm feeling, like the excitement or anticipation of going to Disneyland. Yes that's right, or as I'm failing to imply, the makers of the Disney / Square Enix game Kingdom Hearts are working on versus, along with makers of Final Fantasy Advent Children. This is what excites me. The fact that a Kingdom Hearts gameplay will be combined with a Final Fantasy VII element backdrop. Versus as you may already know is intended to be an action rpg and if the gameplay is anything like in trailer linked above, I think we have a winner. If the draw dropping graphics are not enough, then Im sure the storyline of a prince, who from what I can tell has been "shunned" from his position, will be mouth watering enough. Ok, I'll admit it, the main reason Im liking the game so far is because the guy looks frickin awesome! I want his clouths and hair, heck, I want to be him (too far?). Hopefully another character to join the ring of moody characters: Cloud, Squall and Auron. This is what was really missing from FFXII!
Crap from the Internet:
Ok, so I skipped this last time, don't lie, I know you all missed it. So as sad as that opening sentence was, I have something even more worse, no its not another music video. Today among things I'm highlighting, Meg64, already introduced above. If you think the FFXII was embarrassing check these out:
The Sands of Frustration (Bwahahah)
Metal Gear Solid
Assassins Creed
Ico (really bad, lol)
More at
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
BBQs and Thunderstorms
The other day my dad brought home a nice new gas barbeque, which only took me an hour to put together, unfortunately I now have to wait to find somewhere that sells the right kind of gas for it. The weather the pass few days here in England has been amazingly hot, sunny all day, the perfect weather for a barbeque, well that was until last night. One of the loudest and brightest thunderstorms I’ve seen round here, it lasted probably no more than half an hour, but the down poor of rain lasted all night. Luckily though it’s nice and sunny again today, one of the reason why I enjoy having a laptop, sitting out in the sun whilst writing this blog entry.
I hope the weather is like this when we go on our annual shopping trip, and I found a great site for getting designer looking sun glasses for high-street prices, going to be ordering a pair soon. While writing this the annoying clouds have come out, so much for another day of warm sunshine, so I’ve moved in doors in case it rains again. Gladly I now have money for the annual shopping trip, so I’m completely ready for it. Although I don’t imagine it lasting all that long lol, but will probably buy some nice new things over the next few weeks.
In two weeks time ill be finding out the results of my A levels, and seeing whether I’ll be going off to university or having another year at my current sixth form. Wouldn’t mind another year of sixth form before university, gives plenty of time to learn to drive, get a car and make some money before university. But we’ll see in two weeks time, I’ll most likely post a blog about it when I get them.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Crappy Music and Bad Videos?
I think its fair to say that my taste in music sucks and I know a few people who would back me up there with my statement. Though despite the "uniqueness", as one friend put it, I do love it! I'm talking about the J- genre of course and I'm sure many of you may have come across it while surfing the crap on the internet. Yes, I am a big fan of many of those anime songs that play at the beginning of those favorite shows you watch; the ones that get played at anime conventions for karaoke. Though, believe it or not these songs do come from serious artists, some famous and others not so. It is in fact an effective form of advertisement and it is not so rare to find some Japanese artists publishing their latest single as an intro or ending to an anime before actual release. Now that I've got past the oh-im-so-full-of-knowledge stage, it was this route that led me to what I listen today, I dont know if that's a good or bad thing. Without further-a-do let me introduce you to my crappy music!
(Chart from, click on chart to view artists)
So there's the top ten artists that apparently I have been listening to in the past year. I was going to also put another chart showing the songs I've listened and the number of times they've been played, but maybe another time. Though if it must be said, the one thing I do detest about my music are the music videos to them. Please dont ever view them unless you want your eyes torn out, there pretty bad.
Short Anime News:
So while others maybe are going to Youtube now to watch some of those bad music videos, I'm going to march on with my anime news, which is pretty badly updated. Yeah, i promised, well not promised, but said I would return to reviews Gundam 00 and Gintama, but to be honest, I dont want to review them at the moment (laziness indeed). However, I do want to rave about the latest Mnemosyne, episode 5, for all my previous skepticism about the series have been blow out of the water. From immortal women eating angles to jiggalo informants, this series doesn't get any better, or so I thought. In short, yeah, damn good. And as If we were all blessed by God, there seems to be no end of this damn goodness from other series. I'm sure many have been keeping up to date with their religious watching of Code Geass every Sunday (is it just me then?). Like Deathnote, this is one anime that has to be watched for its truely amazing storyline and storytelling! For those fans who are still wondering where to find the latest episode, the following site will be a gods sending: Ok I have to mention Naruto, I'm sorry, but I have to. Yes, sadly the fillers are in it looks like and yet, who is finding this filler arc, The Twelve Guardian Ninjas, to be above the norm for a Naruto filler? While I'm still disappointed with diversion from the manga, I'm still somehow finding this latest storyline to be entertaining. Though that is not what I want to talk about, no, I want to draw your attention to the newest ending theme to the series, oh come on, who else doesn't find it awesome!!! Broken Youth! Is it wrong for me to say I like the intro Bluebird too? No, I didn't download it, you have the wrong person.
Whoa this posts gotten huge , ok well to cut things short, I'll contribute to my friends debate by saying, I have no money >sound effect of crying<.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Addictions and Cybermen
I’ve always been a fan of all things Sci-Fi, but when it comes to Doctor Who I never could take to watching the old shows (I guess that’s what growing up with special effects and CG does), I just couldn’t get used to the old effects. A few years ago I was a friends’ house and came Doctor Who, the first new series with Christopher Eccleston, and after the first few minutes I was addicted to it and I’ll always remember which episode it was that started me off, it was ‘The Empty Child’, an episode that saw the Doctor and his companion Rose in London during the World War II blitz. Although this was not the best episode of Doctor Who (especially considering the latest season finale), it was still a great episode that was made even better with John Barrowmans’ character Captain Jack Harkness.
Yes that also means I’m addicted to Torchwood as well, but when you watch one you can’t stop. Having seen the trailer for the next Doctor Who Christmas special I can’t wait, the return of the Cybermen will probably mean some great heart stopping moments, and I’m sure all the fans will be wondering how they’ve returned. The episode will most likely be shown on Christmas day, as this has been the airing date for all previous Christmas specials, so I’m among a large number of fans who’s looking forward to the festive season even more than normal.
Birmingham or London: As my best friend is moving back to good old England in a few weeks (you know him as Akamaru, the other writer of this blog), it’s time to begin thinking bout where to hold our annual shopping trip. Originally it was always in the neighbouring town of Stafford, but recently has been to Birmingham as there is a much larger anime/manga store there were we spend most of his money lol. This year though London would definitely be interesting as the anime/manga stores there are even bigger, but of course money is, as always, an issue. But hopefully with some luck, and divine intervention lol, we should be going there, otherwise its just good old Birmingham, which is fine by me.
I recently purchased a book designed after the journal kept by the fictional character Indiana Jones, yet another one of my addictions. It’s a great read as it all feels as though it was written by him during his travels and adventures; it even has torn out pages to mimic that of the pages that were torn out during the films. Unfortunately the number of books I own and have yet to read is increasing drastically, I really do need to free up some time to read these books, although I am part way through reading Sun Tzu Art of War, I have a very strange range of interests lol.
Well that’s enough from me for now, ill be trying to write something new here every week depending on what exciting things happen in the mean time.