BIO: Well it seems it's time for me to write somethings about myself. Below is a short bio of me and a few so called "interesting" facts. I'm a major computer game player, i obsess with completing my games to 100%, and often get frustrated in the process. I havnt had alot of spare time recently due to all of my final school work and getting ready for uni in the summer, but me and counter part have decided to start up this blog. THe majority of my time is taken up by my studies, but in my free time i enjoy playing online games as well as watching alot of anime and sci fi stuff. Oh and im also a hudge fan of stargate, both SG-1 and Atlantis, just thought id mention that. Its shameful the amount of stuff i know from the show, i could probably tell you almost any thing about, including the science related stuff. My talents mainly lye in web design, writing, photography and 3d design. I plan on furthering my 3d design abilities in the summer, im aiming for a computer game design course at uni. I have a varied taste when it comes to music, i like almost everything, but especially muse. Erm what else to say... well im British, not to bad at spelling, although my grammar can be bad.
- Major Sheppard.
Ill be posting things related to gaming, news and my favourite, conspiracy theories.