Another long university holiday has been and gone, and I would like to say that I have done all of the things I planned to do over the past months, sadly that would be a lie. Although we have done numerous things that we planned on, like starting, and attending Amecon, there is still a long list of things that were never completed. However we do have plans...
As my friend has previously stated, we’ve been slowed done by the barrage of new and wonderful games that have appeared throughout the year (and of course the year isn’t over yet). It has been quite hard, and dangerously expensive to keep up with this years’ explosion of digital entertainment, whilst also anticipating even more within
the last few months of year. The all new Medal of Honor will shortly be followed by Fallout New Vegas, then The Sims 3, Fable 3 and Force Unleashed 2 all penned for the same release day! Then comes along Call of Duty Black Ops, Little Big Planet 2 and Assassins Creed Brotherhood, not to mention the Playstation Move and the Xbox Kinect, and that’s not even the end of November.

So you’re probably longing for some more personal news... right? Well I have finally been able to order my all new desktop computer, and it’s going to be an Alienware! I will finally, after many many years be able to get my hands on one. For those that are interested in that kind of thing, it’s the Alienware Aurora (no not the ALX, I’m not made of money... but if I were...). I will no dought do a rather long post once it arrives and fill it full of wonderful information on how well it benchmarks with a few different games.
The Futures bright...
So we have a few plans for the future of this blog, and BlankMind as a whole, as my friend has said we feel that BlankMind is growing beyond just a blog, and with such growth we need to make changes so that things can move on a little more seamlessly that they perhaps have in the past. We do have a few things in mind, but we’re not going to be mentioning them on here just yet, we want time to test things and get a good feel for where we’re going.